intel / torch-xpu-ops

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glu_backward fp16 has accuracy issues compared with CPU output. #1054

Closed LuFinch closed 1 week ago

LuFinch commented 2 weeks ago

🐛 Describe the bug


import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.autograd.forward_ad as fwAD
from torch.testing._internal.common_utils import TestCase
from typing import Tuple
from torch.overrides import is_tensor_like
from itertools import product

cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
dpcpp_device = torch.device("xpu")

class TestNNMethod(TestCase):
    def test_glu(self):
        for dt in [torch.float16]:
            input_cpu = torch.randn(4, 6, dtype=dt)
            input_dpcpp ="xpu")
            m = nn.GLU()

            input_cpu.requires_grad = True
            output_cpu = m(input_cpu)

            input_dpcpp.requires_grad = True
            output_dpcpp = m(input_dpcpp)
            self.assertEqual(input_cpu.grad, input_dpcpp.grad)

Directly run pytest and it would output

>           self.assertEqual(input_cpu.grad, input_dpcpp.grad)
E           AssertionError: Tensor-likes are not close!
E           Mismatched elements: 1 / 24 (4.2%)
E           Greatest absolute difference: 0.000244140625 at index (1, 3) (up to 1e-05 allowed)
E           Greatest relative difference: 0.0010671615600585938 at index (1, 3) (up to 0.001 allowed)


This gap between xpu and cpu causes an IPEX UT fail. In IPEX2.5, we override this Op with IPEX implementation.

However, I found that implementation of glu_backward in torch-xpu-ops is aligned with CUDA, and CUDA can't pass this case too.

Not sure whether we should fix or just skip this UT.



daisyden commented 1 week ago

cuda and xpu does not use accumulate dtype for bfloat16 and flat16, while cpu used. torch-xpu-ops will align with cuda. cuda: void glu_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter) { AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND2( kHalf, kBFloat16, iter.dtype(), "glu_cuda", [&]() { using opmath_t = at::opmath_type; gpu_kernel(iter, [] GPU_LAMBDA(scalart a, scalart b) -> scalar_t { const opmatht a = a; const opmatht b = b; const opmath_t one = opmath_t(1); const opmath_t sigmoid = one / (one + std::exp(-b)); return a * sigmoid; }); }); }

xpu: struct GluFunctor { using opmath_t = at::opmath_type; scalar_t operator()(scalart a, scalart b) const { const opmatht a = a; const opmatht b = b; const opmath_t one = opmath_t(1); const opmath_t sigmoid = one / (one + std::exp(-b)); return a * sigmoid; } };

cpu: void glu_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter) { if (at::isReducedFloatingType(iter.dtype())) { AT_DISPATCH_REDUCED_FLOATING_TYPES(iter.dtype(), "glu_cpu", [&]() { const float float_one_val(1); const Vectorized float_one_vec(float_one_val); cpu_kernel_vec( iter, [float_one_val](scalar_t a, scalar_t b) -> scalar_t { return float(a) (float_one_val / (float_one_val + std::exp(- float(b)))); }, [float_one_vec](Vectorized a, Vectorized b) -> Vectorized { auto [a0, a1] = convert_to_float(a); auto [b0, b1] = convert_to_float(b); return convert_from_float(a0 (float_one_vec / (float_one_vec + b0.neg().exp())), a1 * (float_one_vec / (float_one_vec + b1.neg().exp()))); }); }); } else { ...

daisyden commented 1 week ago

close the issue as torch-xpu-ops will align with cuda.