intel / vscode-oneapi-gdb-debug

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When debugging a C++ program using gdb-oneapi, gdb-oneapi stuck in display variables. #10

Open hyungye opened 7 months ago

hyungye commented 7 months ago

When debugging a C++ shared library loaded into Python using both gdb-oneapi and gdb on Linux, the following error occurs: "Python Exception <class 'RecursionError'>: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object." Note that data structure involves mutual references among the values of one classe. Please suggest a way to resolve the issue.

The issue occurred in the following environment:

class Issue { containerA with iterator to containerB; containerB with iterator to containerA; };

If you need any additional information, feel free to ask. Thank you!

sbobko commented 7 months ago

Hello @hyungye , are you indicating that you observe the same behavior using both gdb and gdb-oneapi? Honestly, from the description, it's hard to pinpoint anything specific, and I would like to kindly request that you provide a minimal reproducer for demonstration. This would significantly expedite the analysis of what might have gone wrong in your case.