intel / vtpm-td

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In discussion, what is the purpose of vtpm-td? #236

Open bronzeMe opened 1 month ago

bronzeMe commented 1 month ago

Let’s discuss the objectives of vtpm-td.

Q1: Intuitively, is it about implementing and running the functions of vtpm (similar to libtpms) within an independent TD, and then providing TPM capabilities to another TD?

Q2: Can it be understood that vtpm-td is the Rust language version of libtpms?

Q3: There is a doubt: Since TD is already a secure environment and it can utilize the sealing and remote attestation features provided by TDX. In what scenarios would vtpm-td be used?

Q4: Has there been any consideration of using vTPM-td to provide a neutral form of attestation? Similar to “Remote Attestation of SEV-SNP Confidential VMs using e-vTPMs”?