InputTensor: A pointer to a constant DML_TENSOR_DESC containing the description of the tensor to read from.
input[1]: An ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32 scalar specifying the axis along which to split.
Attributes.axis : int (default is 0) Which axis to split on. A negative value means counting dimensions from the back. Accepted range is [-rank, rank-1] where r = rank(input).
Axis: The axis to split on.
input[2]: An ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32 scalar indicating the number of splits along given axis. Must evenly divide axis size.
Attributes.split : list of ints length of each output
OutputCount: This field determines the size of the OutputTensors array.
0 ~ (num_splits - 1): Resulting subtensors. For a ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM tensor, the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
One or more outputs forming list of tensors after splitting
OutputTensors: A pointer to a constant array of DML_TENSOR_DESC containing the descriptions of the tensors to write the results to.
Now, Split is working well with WASM and WebGL backend.
Split in the DeepSpeech model:
Now, Split is working well with WASM and WebGL backend.