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IntelliBar is an AI-powered assistant for the Mac.
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Sync #25

Open panckreous opened 8 months ago

panckreous commented 8 months ago

I can sync the prompt templates since I choose the directory to store them, any chance of being able to sync settings? I see a few json files in Application Support and the plist in Preferences, but not sure where the settings are and/or if I'll be able to sync them. A plain json file would be amazing, if possible.

astoilkov commented 8 months ago

The state is in Application Support/IntelliBar/state.bjson. Does that work for you?

panckreous commented 8 months ago

Best case for sync is plaintext (json is my favorite since I can also manually edit but that's just me being greedy now).

Personally, I sync locally using syncthing. I keep as many configs as I can in my dotfiles repo which of course can handle binary but text is much easier to diff and fix any sync issues/conflicts that will arrise. Others sync with dropbox, for example, which offers its own type of conflict handling that is also helped by being able to diff the conflicting versions.

That being said, at this point there arent too many settings so there's less of a need to be able to sync the prefs automatically. The binary json is totally fine. Maybe if down the line there are more settings it'll be worth considering? Feel free to close this in the mean time if you prefer.

astoilkov commented 8 months ago

We just (in 0.9) migrated from JSON to binary. We see how it's better for users to have a JSON but we did it because: