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IntelliBar is an AI-powered assistant for the Mac.
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Toggling Window Visibility #27

Open panckreous opened 8 months ago

panckreous commented 8 months ago

Some lighter apps like this let me toggle the visibility of the window with the same hotkey, which I generally find useful, vs the standard cmd w, which feels more appropriate for heavier apps. That being said, I'm only speaking for myself and dont know how many others would agree.

astoilkov commented 8 months ago

It worked like that initially but the implementation constantly broke and I removed it. I will take some time to revisit this in the future.

panckreous commented 8 months ago

One more thing I just noticed: when the window is open I can cmd q as well. I expect this to quit the application, but it only closes the window and the application remains active in the toolbar.

I think the expected action on macos would be the entire application quiting.

First example that came to mind that is similar in terms of window, menu icon, close and quit is Snippets Lab (

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