intelligent-environments-lab / utx000

Analysis related to the many studies under the UTx000 banner, a project under the Whole Communities, Whole Health initiative.
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Include More Nights in Analysis #70

Closed HagenFritz closed 3 years ago

HagenFritz commented 3 years ago

As of now, we only include nights in the IAQ and SQ analysis when we have GPS traces that match one of the addresses that were provided to us. We have multiple avenues to check for addresses that we can compare against and should do so in an attempt to include as many data point as we can.


Here are the rough steps to address this issue:

  1. Look at GPS traces and Beacon operation to see if there are more than one distinct location that the participant is at for a considerable amount of time that overlap with the beacon operation
  2. Find all possible addresses for each participant and include these in the id_crossover admin file.
  3. Look to see if GPS traces from Beiwe overlap with the various addresses
  4. Update the make_dataset functions to include more than one address when filtering beacon data by GPS
HagenFritz commented 3 years ago

First step has been completed and there are a few participants that we can look into more

HagenFritz commented 3 years ago

Included all nightly data from when Beiwe, Fitbit, and beacon data overlap