intelligent-environments-lab / utx000

Analysis related to the many studies under the UTx000 banner, a project under the Whole Communities, Whole Health initiative.
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IAQ and Sleep Quality: Second Draft #78

Closed HagenFritz closed 3 years ago

HagenFritz commented 3 years ago

After reviewing the first round of edits from Kerry and Peter, there are some questions that need answering in addition to some additions:


  1. Importance of Mutual Information Section: Kerry seems a bit hesitant to use the MI analysis and Peter makes a good point that the analysis we do with it is a sideshow and does not add much to the overall thesis of the paper. Perhaps this section can be stricken, but we keep the section in the results and simply say we did not find any significant relationships between non-IEQ parameters and sleep.
  2. IAQ and NAW/Restfulness Figures: I noticed and Peter commented on the fact that these two figures are oriented opposite to the others (hence the different colors). I did this because I grouped NAW/Restfulness into binary outcomes and used those to stratify the IAQ measurements. However, as Peter put it, now our explanatory variable has become our response and vice-versa.
  3. Violins too much?: Peter notes that the violin plots, while nice, are a bit much to comprehend and we don't necessarily comment on all the information packed into those figures. Are there ways we can simplify the figures/make them more digestible? Is this even necessary?
  4. Move Lit Review to Discussion?: Kerry suggested removing/shortening the literature review at the beginning and moving a large majority of the information presented there to the discussion section. Makes sense but also increases the length of our discussion section.
  5. Method on Recovering Nights: My overview of the method to recover nights based on CO2 was not clear, but should be explained in person to get suggestions on how to improve it.


  1. ~Nights Recovered: Kerry suggested including the number of nights that were recovered by looking at CO2 as well as the other methodologies~
  2. ~Number of Nights Figure: Change the scale of the colorbar to 70~
  3. ~Context when Comparing: Go through and make sure that when comparing our study to others, we are putting the concentrations in context to each other.~
  4. Calibration Notes: Kerry suggested including a note on the calibration efforts (SI)
  5. Sensitivity Notes: Similar to the calibration efforts, we need to include some information regarding the sensors such as their sensitivity, range, accuracy, etc. (SI)