intelligenthack / intelligentcache

A distributed cache backed by Redis
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Strage performance issue #32

Closed ianselmi closed 3 years ago

ianselmi commented 3 years ago

Hello guys, from our production environment we noticed time spikes when we use CompositeCache object and I built a simple benchmark test to compare CompositeCache with MemCache and RedisCache to RedisCache.

This is the result with CompositeCache: image

and this is the result using RedisCache only: image

The metrics are: Test count - numbers of iteration Diff - Number of calls per sec Avg time - avg time per call Error: total number of errors DiffErr : error per sec Maxms: Max call time per sec

The test code is:

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using hack = IntelligentHack.IntelligentCache;

namespace IntelligentCacheBenchmark
    internal class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var redisConnection = _createConnection(args);
            var memCache = new hack.MemoryCache("t");
            var redisCache = new hack.RedisCache(redisConnection, "r");
            var composite = redisCache;//new hack.CompositeCache(memCache, redisCache);

            var a = Enumerable.Range(0, 100);
            var data = RandomString(2048);
            var p = new BenchmarkTest();
            while (true)
                Parallel.ForEach(a, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100 }, (s) =>
                    var ret = p.DoStuff((i) => composite.GetSet((i).ToString(), () => data, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)));                    

        private static IConnectionMultiplexer _createConnection(string[] cmdArgs)
            var cnss = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(ConfigurationOptions.Parse(cmdArgs[0]));
            return cnss;

        private static Random random = new Random();

        public static string RandomString(int length)
            const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
            return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length)
              .Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());

    public class BenchmarkTest
        private long _i = 0;
        private long _oldI = 0;
        private long _elapsedms = 0;
        private long _totalErrors = 0;
        private long _oldErrors = 0;
        private long _max;

        public BenchmarkTest()
            Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
                while (true)
                    if (_i > 0) Console.WriteLine($"Test count:{_i} Diff:{_i - _oldI} - Avg time:{_elapsedms / _i}ms - Errors:{_totalErrors} - DiffErr:{_totalErrors - _oldErrors} - Maxms:{_max}");
                    _oldI = _i;
                    _oldErrors = _totalErrors; _max = 0;
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

        public string DoStuff(Func<long, string> a)
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            string ret = "";
                ret = a(Interlocked.Increment(ref _i));

            Interlocked.Add(ref _elapsedms, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            if (_max < sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) _max = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            return ret;


Can you check we miss some configurations or there is some kind of issue?

sklivvz commented 3 years ago

What is the performance issue in your opinion? I don't see any time spikes in your data beyond the obvious initial misses.

ianselmi commented 3 years ago

in my opinion the strange behavior was bad performance using composecache instead to use rediscache. On my pc with composecache I have 400/500 request per sec, with redis cache (same configuration used with compose) I have 3000/4000 request per sec in a multithread env. The spikes are related to our prod env where with compose (memcache +redis)and with 10/15k request per minutes sometimes the cache time increase to 5/10sec to manage that requests instead of 50ms. Using RedisCache the spikes was disappear. In brief, for me is strange have 500 requests per sec with composecache and 3000/4000 with only redis

sklivvz commented 3 years ago

It's impossible to reach any clear conclusion given your test:

In my opinion, a better test would probably involve a CompositeCache of two pass-through caches versus a single pass-through cache without insane levels of parallelism and with a realistic load (e.g. 100ms wait). This should give us an idea of the time spent in composing the caches (which can be calculated with "composite time - 2x passthrough time = composing time". If you then vary the degree of parallelism you will probably see the impact of any locks in the composite cache.

The second test I suggest is to run the same test against MemoiryCache and compare it to a single pass-through cache to spot any locking issue in that.

Finally, I would run the test against a realistic load, set up, and network.

By the way, I suggest you always use BenchmarkDotNet for any benchmarking as it's a standard, issue-free tool that gives consistent/reliable results.

ianselmi commented 3 years ago

Thank for suggestions and I tried to reproduce it with Benchmarkdotnet but is not so easy because Benchmarkdotnet is not developed to test multithread environment. I wrote a simple test as below

using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using IntelligentHack.IntelligentCache;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using hack = IntelligentHack.IntelligentCache;

namespace IntelligentCacheBenchmark
    internal class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)

    public class MultithreadBenchmark
        private readonly string _seed;
        private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redisConnection;
        private readonly ICache _composite;
        private readonly ICache _redisCache;
        private readonly ICache _memCache;
        private int _cicle = 0;
        private readonly IEnumerable<int> _worker;
        private readonly int _workerCount = 4;
        private readonly int _iterationsCount = 100;

        public MultithreadBenchmark()
            _seed = RandomString(2048);
            _redisConnection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(ConfigurationOptions.Parse(""));
            _memCache = new hack.MemoryCache("t");
            _redisCache = new hack.RedisCache(_redisConnection, "r");
            _composite = new hack.CompositeCache(_memCache, _redisCache);
            _worker = Enumerable.Range(0, _iterationsCount);


        public void CompositeMultiThread()
            Parallel.ForEach(_worker, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _workerCount }, (s) =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _cicle);
                _composite.GetSet((_cicle).ToString(), () => _seed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

        public void CompositeSingleThread()
            foreach (var s in _worker)
                _composite.GetSet((_cicle++).ToString(), () => _seed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

        public void RedisMultiThread()
            Parallel.ForEach(_worker, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _workerCount }, (s) =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _cicle);
                _redisCache.GetSet((_cicle).ToString(), () => _seed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

        public void RedisSingleThread()
            foreach (var s in _worker)
                _redisCache.GetSet((_cicle++).ToString(), () => _seed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

        public string RandomString(int length)
            Random _random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
            return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length)
              .Select(s => s[_random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());

and the results is this image

In my mind, CompositeMultiThread and RedisMultiThread should be similar, isn't it? Probably the lock inside MemCache can't speed up the cache, have you any ideas?

sklivvz commented 3 years ago

I've rewritten the benchmark to run in LinqPad and I've added memory tests.


Optimistic case

In this benchmark, the caches are always hit.

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
CompositeMultiThread 153.9 μs 1.45 μs 1.28 μs 51.2695 5.8594 - 281 KB
CompositeSingleThread 282.3 μs 1.23 μs 1.03 μs 42.9688 0.9766 - 243 KB
MemoryMultiThread 141.3 μs 1.15 μs 1.07 μs 31.9824 3.1738 - 171 KB
MemorySingleThread 248.3 μs 1.59 μs 1.41 μs 23.4375 0.4883 - 133 KB
RedisMultiThread 68,087.1 μs 1,174.50 μs 1,098.63 μs 625.0000 - - 3,141 KB
RedisSingleThread 790,697.3 μs 12,142.78 μs 11,358.36 μs - - - 3,103 KB

Pessimistic case

In this benchmark, the caches are always missed. Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
CompositeMultiThread 4,179.6 ms 80.30 ms 95.59 ms - - - 745 KB
CompositeSingleThread 4,171.1 ms 82.78 ms 73.39 ms - - - 774 KB
MemoryMultiThread 4,259.5 ms 84.84 ms 83.33 ms - - - 260 KB
MemorySingleThread 4,232.1 ms 83.80 ms 89.67 ms - - - 187 KB
RedisMultiThread 292.3 ms 5.70 ms 6.34 ms - - - 554 KB
RedisSingleThread 4,203.8 ms 84.02 ms 78.59 ms - - - 510 KB

As you can see:

The code to repro is here