intellij-solidity / intellij-solidity

Solidity plugin for IntelliJ
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How can syntax highlighting be the same as remix? #310

Open ajianggood opened 2 years ago

ajianggood commented 2 years ago

How can syntax highlighting be the same as remix?

kevupton commented 2 years ago

That is the only thing that this plugin needs. Some better syntax highlighting (remix level). Once it has achieved that, it is by far the best solidity dev environment. 🙏 nice work to the creator 💪

SerCeMan commented 2 years ago

Hey, @ajianggood @kevupton! When saying like remix, do you mean the colour scheme, or something else? A concrete example might help a lot.

chrisffm commented 2 years ago

One thing I like about remix is the error highlighting but might be hard to implement as it only shows after compiling the contract

tomasz90 commented 2 years ago

Hey, @ajianggood @kevupton! When saying like remix, do you mean the colour scheme, or something else? A concrete example might help a lot.

My comment is not about remix like highlighting but overall highlighting issues. I would say that function invocations should be yellow instead of light grey. This would be much easier to read. I see that only functions declaration are yellow and most of the code is light grey.

kevupton commented 2 years ago

One thing I like about remix is the error highlighting but might be hard to implement as it only shows after compiling the contract

I notice that the vscode plugin has this error underline as well, which is actually quite nice.

kevupton commented 2 years ago

Hey, @ajianggood @kevupton! When saying like remix, do you mean the colour scheme, or something else? A concrete example might help a lot.

@SerCeMan Here is an example of remix highlightings. Take nots of each of the highlighted red sections and compare with the second image image


Current Remix Colours

I may have missed some colours here, but this is what I found

Each line represents one colour:

Nice to haves

Not included in remix vscode at the moment