Currently the state of our unit-tests is not very satisfying.
Our coverage is not very good and there are no Mock-Objects for important classes.
This makes test-driven development Izou as well as Plugins more or less impossible.
Because resource provider should have serious limits when supplying an event, performance testing should be the norm. But for integration testing you have to reinvent the wheel.
The goal of this Proposal is:
improve test coverage
improve/create Mock objects for quick & easy testing
create a Test-Utility for verifying that a implementation complies with the specification
Currently the state of our unit-tests is not very satisfying. Our coverage is not very good and there are no Mock-Objects for important classes. This makes test-driven development Izou as well as Plugins more or less impossible.
Because resource provider should have serious limits when supplying an event, performance testing should be the norm. But for integration testing you have to reinvent the wheel.
The goal of this Proposal is: