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mtls implemented #360

Closed alanjino closed 4 months ago

dryrunsecurity[bot] commented 4 months ago

Hi there :wave:, @dryrunsecurity here, below is a summary of our analysis and findings.

DryRun Security Status Findings
Configured Codepaths Analyzer :white_check_mark: 0 findings
Sensitive Files Analyzer :grey_exclamation: 1 finding
Authn/Authz Analyzer :white_check_mark: 0 findings
AppSec Analyzer :white_check_mark: 0 findings
Secrets Analyzer :white_check_mark: 0 findings

[!Note] :green_circle: Risk threshold not exceeded.

Change Summary (click to expand) The following is a summary of changes in this pull request made by me, your security buddy :robot:. Note that this summary is auto-generated and not meant to be a definitive list of security issues but rather a helpful summary from a security perspective. **Summary:** This pull request includes a variety of changes across multiple files, with a focus on improving the security of the KubViz application and its deployment. The key changes include: 1. ** Updates**: The addition of a section on SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) generation is a positive security enhancement, as it provides visibility into the software components and dependencies used in the container images. 2. **Helm Chart Updates**: The changes to the Helm charts, including the `charts/agent/Chart.yaml` and `charts/agent/values.yaml` files, introduce support for mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication. This is a significant security improvement, as mTLS ensures mutual authentication between the client and server, enhancing the overall security of the communication channel. 3. **Deployment Configuration**: The changes to the `charts/agent/templates/deployment.yaml` and `charts/client/templates/deployment.yaml` files further solidify the mTLS implementation, including the necessary environment variables and volume mounts to configure the application for secure communication. 4. **Container Image Changes**: The updates to the `dockerfiles/agent/container/Dockerfile` file show improvements to the base image, Go version, and final container image, all of which contribute to the overall security posture of the application. 5. **NATS and mTLS Configuration**: The changes to the `charts/client/values.yaml` file introduce configuration options for enabling TLS and mTLS for the NATS messaging system, providing another layer of security for the application's communication. Overall, the changes in this pull request demonstrate a strong focus on enhancing the security of the KubViz application, particularly through the implementation of mTLS and improvements to the underlying infrastructure and deployment configurations. These changes are a positive contribution to the project and should help improve the overall security posture of the application. **Files Changed:** 1. ``: Added a section on SBOM generation, which is a positive security enhancement. 2. `charts/agent/Chart.yaml`: Updated the chart version, which is a routine change. 3. `charts/agent/values.yaml`: Introduced an `mtls` section to enable mutual TLS authentication. 4. `charts/agent/templates/deployment.yaml`: Configured the deployment to support mTLS communication. 5. `charts/client/Chart.yaml`: Updated the chart version, which is a routine change. 6. `charts/client/templates/deployment.yaml`: Configured the deployment to support mTLS communication. 7. `dockerfiles/agent/container/Dockerfile`: Updated the base image, Go version, and final container image, improving the overall security posture. 8. `charts/client/values.yaml`: Introduced configuration options for enabling TLS and mTLS for the NATS messaging system.

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