intentionet / netconan

netconan - a Network Configuration Anonymizer
Apache License 2.0
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netconan: preserve host bits #150

Closed dhalperi closed 3 years ago

dhalperi commented 3 years ago

IP Anonymization breaks important structure when it anonymizes IP address inside of interface addresses or NAT pools. For example, a link and will be broken 3/4 of the time because one of the IPs may get anonymized to (the network address) or (the broadcast address).

Similarly, a NAT pool like to might get anonymized to to, which is invalid (backwards) and would have a different size if we flipped the end points. This can be especially problematic for Static NAT if we map both start and end IPs: and There is no guarantee that after anonymization, the pools will be the same size!

To fix this, users can use the --preserve-host-bits B flag to prevent netconan from anonymizing the last B bits of an IP Address (v4 or v6). That means that while the prefix of each IP address is anonmyized, the last B bits are not. As long as B is greater than 2, a /30 will never be disconnected by anonymization.

We choose B=8 by default as this captures most interface addresses (/24) and NAT pool sizes.

This change is Reviewable