intentionet / netconan

netconan - a Network Configuration Anonymizer
Apache License 2.0
145 stars 12 forks source link

FortiOS SNMP Community Removal #155

Closed ryanmerolle closed 3 years ago

ryanmerolle commented 3 years ago

SNMP Communities are not removed from FortiOS devices:

config system snmp community
    edit 100
        set name "communityXYZ"
dhalperi commented 3 years ago

Netconan processes files line-by-line and is oblivious to the type of file it's anonymizing or the multi-line structures therein.

I don't see how we can possibly catch this case -- set name "foo" is too generic. It's used for naming all kinds of things in FortiOS configs.

The best way to handle this is probably to add your secrets of this type to the list of reserved words. Then they will be one-way hashed.