inteos / IBAdmin

Inteos Backup Administration GUI - Bacula Enterprise
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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New client backup #16

Open Seculin opened 4 years ago

Seculin commented 4 years ago

Hello team,

I'm still trying to create my first remote backup. So ibadmin is working now, i can backup the local machine it's ok.

I created a new remote server, putting the information, like the IP. I downloaded the conf file.

On the client side, i installed bacula-client, changed the /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf by the conf generated by ibadmin, and started bacula-fd.

BUT, ibadmin, is not able to contact the client. Do you know why ? The server status still Offline, and when i try to run a job, it's failed, because of FD.

Thank you

Seculin commented 4 years ago

Hello Team, i found the issue, when we fill the form on ibadmin, it asks for the address, but the issue, is that when we start bacula-fd, it's not using this address, it use, for example, if we nat, the private address ... so we need to change it manually. It can be good if you can make some changes, or a help/documentation

Awesome job by the way

rkorzeniewski commented 4 years ago

Hello Seculin,

I'm very happy that you've solved your issue. I want to enhance IBAdmin experience as the main goal is to make it easy and intuitive. So I need to understand the issue better. What was not working as expected and what should be changed for better experience? As I understand it is related to Client Address ambiguity when defining a new backup client. The documentation for this area is available at: You've mention about NAT but I'm not sure if this is related. It can be great if you will help improving IBAdmin. Thanks.