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[ENHANCEMENT] connection to improv #11

Open jaanli opened 4 months ago

jaanli commented 4 months ago

Current Behavior

Spontaneity, connection, support is alluded to but not mentioned explicitly?

Expected Behavior

Lightness, gaiety, fun, frivolity

Steps To Reproduce

Try out improv; compare to practicing interaction principles.

Anything else?

improv class experience report (I convinced my partner to attend alongside me):

The “exposure therapy” frame in improv involves repeated exposure to the uncomfortable emotional responses that are inevitable (feeling awkward, unsure what to say, unsure of whether you are doing it “right” or are “being funny”).

Then when you see others’ (maybe 15 people in the class) emotional responses, you see that everyone is also feeling that way. The teacher providers periodic behavioral reinforcement. Positive reinforcement (calling you in on something that went well - you listened well, committed to a character, provided support for a teammate), and negative reinforcement (not saying anything if someone made a spicy joke that was too close to sexism/racism/etc and moving on quickly - and the class’ lack of laughter).

cc @charlottemeng for viz

charlottemeng commented 4 months ago

My proposal for how to word this as a principle, which in my email I argued as being connected to femininity:

There will always be a principle that transcends language. Consider this a placeholder for that principle.


There will always be a principle that transcends language. Embrace the ineffable mysteries of life, and hence the inner mysteries of yourself and all beings; summon the courage to tread into unknown territory; endeavor to actualize what is not yet actualized; create the proper conditions for you to discover the things within you and within others, not yet known to you or to them.

jaanli commented 4 months ago

I really like this direction @charlottemeng - please let me meditate on this some more.

From my biased viewpoint, this candidate principle is reminiscent of the information processing inequality:

i.e. any processing of data represents a loss of information

words are symbols that are extremely lossy; my friend colin studies this in the domain of words and language to look at the "rate" at which the colors (wavelengths, a measurable quantity) are distorted by the symbols used to denote them, comparing different languages and cultures around the world:

does this attempt at a connection remotely make sense? happy to elaborate, fleshing this out as i write.

cc @jsseely for viz.

charlottemeng commented 4 months ago

I've never heard of that inequality, but it does make sense. I was actually thinking of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem for this one, as well as a conversation I had with chatgpt about the esoteric connections between femininity and the unknown