intercellular / cell

A self-driving web app framework
MIT License
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Safari Issues #158

Open thehenrymcintosh opened 6 years ago

thehenrymcintosh commented 6 years ago

Regarding compatibility, I've been having issues running celljs scripts in Safari (9.1.1) while they execute perfectly in Chrome and Firefox.

These are the most common errors I'm getting:

set — cell.js:237 TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '') and set — cell.js:282:93 TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf($node), key)')

It seems to be occurring when some event-driven functions are added, such as onkeyup or onclick, while others ($init, $update) do not result in the error. The error completely prevents any of the script from running, and makes the entire app non-functional.

This problem seems fairly universal as it prevents all the celljs demos from running on my version of safari, leaving a blank screen. Is there any way of making this more backwards compatible? I'm a huge fan of celljs and it would be great if someone could find a solution and make this more accessible.


gliechtenstein commented 6 years ago

Could you write up a quick jsfiddle and share the link here? I recently fixed a similar problem for safari so this shouldn't happen. Also would help to know the browser version

thehenrymcintosh commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm running safari 9.1.1. I can set up a jsfiddle if you want, but i'm not sure if it's necessary. If you want an example of the error, all of the demos on result in one of the two errors I've already listed. What specifically do you need me to do on jsfiddle to help resolve the bug?