intercellular / cell

A self-driving web app framework
MIT License
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Handy way to get cell components #177

Open lachdoug opened 6 years ago

lachdoug commented 6 years ago

I've found that a cell/component can be selected by its ID name alone, without using querySelector or the like.

Here, in the keyup function, the first component is selected with myConsole, rather than document.querySelector("#myConsole")

ಠᴥಠ = {
  $cell: true,
  $components: [{
      id: "myConsole"
    }, {
      $type: "input",
      onkeyup: function(e) {
        if( e.keyCode === 13 ) { myConsole.$text = this.value; }

This a nice feature. Maybe it could be mentioned in section 3 of the tutorial.

BTW, thanks for cell.js. I'm a big fan.