intercept / intercept-python

A Python binding library for Intercept
MIT License
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Styling/coding standards #3

Open Tirpitz93 opened 6 years ago

Tirpitz93 commented 6 years ago

Which coding standards/PEP guides are you planning to adhere to. As this is a python library aimed at python users(presumably) the PEPs would be a good place to start.

Also when implementing the classes there are a couple options regarding the OOP interface as I see it:

  1. literal translations so getPos player becomes player.getPos(). or player.get_pos()
  2. @property decorator to wrap the calls to the DLL to the user so that getPos player becomes player.pos , and player setPos [a,b,c] becomes player.pos = [a,b,c].
  3. Both of the above, having one approach call the other for example. This illustrates both approaches, and is therefor less pythonic ("one way to do something").
     class RV_Object(object):
        def __init__(self):
           # todo

        def pos(self)->tuple:pass

        def pos(self, pos:tuple)->None:pass

        def get_pos(self)->tuple: pass # todo

        def set_pos(self, pos:tuple)->None: pass # todo
overfl0 commented 6 years ago

Using PEP8 would be a good start ;). I'd suggest doing as "everyone else does" and increasing the line size limit to 120 chars (with 1080p and even 4k monitors nowadays)

I'm sitting on a fence regarding the camelCase vs snake_notation. I'm used to snake but I also see the benefit of sticking to the original SQF function names. Deep inside me I'd prefer to stick with the original naming (less confusion) but I haven't done enough Arma modding (nor even used Intercept much) to speak authoritatively about this matter.

Tirpitz93 commented 6 years ago

Where do you guys stand on replacing get_* and set_* with a property? If necessary adding aliases to the property. Also what would the preferred naming convention/ namespace for the class names be? RV_* Intercept_* Arma_*

Tirpitz93 commented 6 years ago

I have some boilerplate code here:

jonpas commented 6 years ago

Intercept uses snake_case for all SQF wrappers as well, might as well do the same here.