interchange / Dancer-Plugin-Interchange6

Dancer Plugin for Interchange6 shop machine
4 stars 1 forks source link

allow simple use of other auth mechanisms #50

Open SysPete opened 9 years ago

SysPete commented 9 years ago

Discussion on irc#interchange with @thunder- ...

<thunder_> what i am looking to create is an extension that can be used to login with oauth ... like 'login with google'  or 'login with facebook'  .. but then 'login with wyngle'  ... my own oauth server
<SysPete> ok
<thunder_> that extension will then pass some data so it can prefill the checkout page and such ... 
<SysPete> by default we use Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::DBIC in Dancer::Plugin
<SysPete> I'll raise an issue in the Dancer::Plugin::Interchange6 on github aout this
<SysPete> do you have a GH account so I can cc you on issue?
<thunder_> Something like this .. Considering the use of Dancer it would probably make sense to extend this to Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Wyngle or something ... 
racke commented 9 years ago

We could create a new user in the database for the logins wit OAuth.