intercom / intercom-go

Go Bindings For Intercom
70 stars 78 forks source link

WIP start of refactor to ddd #5

Closed josler closed 9 years ago

josler commented 9 years ago


josler commented 9 years ago

MVP for this is probably:

Users - Create/Update, List All, List by Segment, List by Tag, Show Companies - Create/Update, List All, List by Segment, List by Tag, Show Events Admins - List All Tags - Create, List All Segments - List All

This covers like 95+% of the use of our API, and is a good place to start

josler commented 9 years ago
luebken commented 9 years ago

Too bad you didn't check of "Conversations/Messages". Any update on that?

josler commented 8 years ago

It's coming!

josler commented 8 years ago

Done :)