intercom / intercom-rails

The easiest way to install Intercom in a Rails app.
MIT License
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Defer loading #347

Open leoplct opened 11 months ago

leoplct commented 11 months ago

Hello, I run PageSpeed and the Intercom JS blocks rendering. How can I defer it or load it after the 'scroll' event?

I would do the same described here but using the Rails gem.

Version info

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run analysis with

Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 19 21 01


IntercomRails.config do |config|
  # == Intercom app_id
  config.app_id = ENV["INTERCOM_APP_ID"] || "XXXXXXX"

  # == Intercom session_duration
  # config.session_duration = 300000
  # == Intercom secret key
  # This is required to enable Identity Verification, you can find it on your Setup
  # guide in the "Identity Verification" step.
  config.api_secret = Rails.application.credentials.intercom_secure_mode_secret_key

  # == Enabled Environments
  # Which environments is auto inclusion of the Javascript enabled for
  config.enabled_environments = ["development", "production"]

  # == Current user method/variable
  # The method/variable that contains the logged in user in your controllers.
  # If it is `current_user` or `@user`, then you can ignore this
   config.user.current = { true_user }
  # config.user.current = [ { current_user }]

  # == Include for logged out Users
  # If set to true, include the Intercom messenger on all pages, regardless of whether
  # The user model class (set below) is present.
  config.include_for_logged_out_users = true

  # == User model class
  # The class which defines your user model
  # config.user.model = { User }

  # == Lead/custom attributes for non-signed up users
  # Pass additional attributes to for potential leads or
  # non-signed up users as an an array.
  # Any attribute contained in config.user.lead_attributes can be used
  # as custom attribute in the application.
  # config.user.lead_attributes = %w(ref_data utm_source)

  # == Exclude users
  # A Proc that given a user returns true if the user should be excluded
  # from imports and Javascript inclusion, false otherwise.
  # config.user.exclude_if = { |user| user.deleted? }

  # == User Custom Data
  # A hash of additional data you wish to send about your users.
  # You can provide either a method name which will be sent to the current
  # user object, or a Proc which will be passed the current user.
  # == Current company method/variable
  # The method/variable that contains the current company for the current user,
  # in your controllers. 'Companies' are generic groupings of users, so this
  # could be a company, app or group.
  # = { current_company }
  # Or if you are using devise you can just use the following config
  # = { }

  # == Exclude company
  # A Proc that given a company returns true if the company should be excluded
  # from imports and Javascript inclusion, false otherwise.
  # = { |app| app.subdomain == 'demo' }

  # == Company Custom Data
  # A hash of additional data you wish to send about a company.
  # This works the same as User custom data above.
  # = {
  #   :number_of_messages => { |app| app.messages.count },
  #   :is_interesting => :is_interesting?
  # }

  # == Company Plan name
  # This is the name of the plan a company is currently paying (or not paying) for.
  # e.g. Messaging, Free, Pro, etc.
  # = { |current_company| }

  # == Company Monthly Spend
  # This is the amount the company spends each month on your app. If your company
  # has a plan, it will set the 'total value' of that plan appropriately.
  # = { |current_company| current_company.plan.price }
  # = { |current_company| (current_company.plan.price - }

  # == Custom Style
  # By default, Intercom will add a button that opens the messenger to
  # the page. If you'd like to use your own link to open the messenger,
  # uncomment this line and clicks on any element with id 'Intercom' will
  # open the messenger.
  # = :custom
  # If you'd like to use your own link activator CSS selector
  # uncomment this line and clicks on any element that matches the query will
  # open the messenger
  config.inbox.custom_activator = '#intercom'
  # If you'd like to hide default launcher button uncomment this line
  # config.hide_default_launcher = true
  # If you need to route your Messenger requests through a different endpoint than the default, uncomment the below line. Generally speaking, this is not needed.
  # config.api_base = "https://#{config.app_id}"