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Create a landing page for the vision #30

Open balupton opened 10 years ago

balupton commented 10 years ago

(/cc @yrassoulli) Ideally the most important thing we need right now, is design resources & talent for creating an amazing home page that spreads and illustrates the vision of InterConnect.

The way I'm wanting to orchestrate this is that InterConnect is a challenge. A challenge to everything that has come before. A challenge to closed companies and products that have disempowered our ability to connect with each other. And a show case to show that you can go open, empower your users to create change, and kick butt.

The big takeaway I want for people to understand is building Skype will soon become as easy as building a web form. This is huge. This is mammoth. This is gigantic. People need to recognise this, and we need to do a superb job at communicating it.

This is going to be possible solely due to's JavaScript Components and InterConnect's Web Components. With this utility belt, people will be able to create amazing things. Such as the MyPlanet internal projects, but as well all sorts of crazy communication projects.

Not only that, but for the first time. InterConnect will be connecting open remote teams face to face. Not only that, but if we do IRC integration, we also can hopefully kill IRCCloud and every other closed disempowering chat solution that doesn't meet the needs of bringing open teams closer together, actually truly connecting them.

This is what we need presented. We need to pitch InterConnect as an experiment that can disrupt a lot, a experiment as this stuff simply hasn't been done before (the tech) and we're doing it differently than ever before (the openness). The beauty of experiments, the beauty of doing this as an experiment, is that there is no fear in experiments, there is only the boldness to move forward to new unseen plains higher than ever before. We need to pitch InterConnect also as a call to arms, to all those sick of the status quo, all those sick of being told no, all those sick of being disconnected and lonely. It's a call to arms for people to unite and build the tool to allow them to connect to each other and the utilities that lets them build their own.

That's what we need to pitch. With this done. Things should get really exciting very fast.

Let's use interconnect as an experiment, to serve as case study, to lead the way and show people outright that going open works.

But most importantly, let's use interconnect as a way to do things that have never been done before, in a way that has never been done before.

ninabreznik commented 10 years ago

Sounds very inspiring. Would be great to know Who are we focusing on (target users/group) and How will we get people to this landing page... Maybe this can help us make a better LP (if we know what will be communicated to whom before they reach the page ;)

balupton commented 10 years ago

@ninabreznik thanks, this is definitely a consideration, let's follow it up on issue #14