interconnectapp / discuss

A place to discuss interconnect
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Todos #43

Open balupton opened 8 years ago

balupton commented 8 years ago

A recovered todo list for this project from Workflowy:

InterConnect #project

- [COMPLETE] Get it ready for the Gittip Retreat (3-6 January) @anyone #missed
  - [COMPLETE] Find out when the Gittip retreat is @anyone #now 
- [COMPLETE] Get two-way calling going @programmer #soon
- [COMPLETE] Use @programmer #soon
- [COMPLETE] Add pointers and miniview #dropped @programmer #soon
  "We ended up using polymer for good reasons, see the github issues"
- Accomplishments
  - [COMPLETE] Identify the problem
  - [COMPLETE] Identify some solutions
  - [COMPLETE] Hone in on the solution that actually makes sense
  - [COMPLETE] Figure out the roadmap forward
  - [COMPLETE] Evaluate that it is actually possible to build
- Current focus
  - Communicate the vision effectively #amorphous 
    "Requires making the pitch more public, using the pitch as an actual website"
  - Communicate the progress effectively #amorphous 
    "Requires making this list public, and implementation of a website"
  - Communicate the roadmap effectively #amorphous 
    "Requires making this list public, and doing videos about the potential, and a website to showcase the vision"
  - Have a designer finish the mockups #amorphous
  - Build the project to a MVP level #amorphous 
  - Build a landing page for marketing #amorphous 
- Actionable Tasks
  - Make the pitch more public by creating a website for it
  - Find a design for the website
  - Implement the design for the website
  - Complete the MVP
    - Recording of video calls
      - Find recording library
      - Either implement using Chrome APIs, or as a Desktop App
    - Sending of video calls
    - Video calls with yourself as a journal
    - Add people via email
    - Conversation view
    - Profile view
- [COMPLETE] Create a hubot bot for InterConnect, rather than connecting to IRC directly #soon @programmer #dropped 
  "We don't be adding text chat, see market thoughts issue for more details"