interconnectit / Search-Replace-DB

This script was made to aid the process of migrating PHP and MySQL based websites. Works with most common CMSes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.99k stars 850 forks source link

Adds --my-ini-file <file> option to read connection info from mysql INI config file #380

Open TrogloGeek opened 2 years ago

TrogloGeek commented 2 years ago

I needed a way to provide password without having it in command argument (which could then be read from user users from the server in /proc) to use it in a script. First approach would have been to accept it from STDIN when using an option, but that approach would be incompatible with any other STDIN usage, and .my.cnf files are common enough so that would probably be helpful to someone else.

I tried to match your coding style but it is probably not close enough, sorry about that.