If YOULRS is not installed in the webroot but in a subfolder, the tracked URL is wrong. Let's say YOURLS is installed in domain.tld/g and a short link looks like domain.tld/g/test. Than the URL domain.tld/test is passed to piwik instead of domain.tld/g/test.
Wouldn't it be better if the constant YOURLS_SITE is used instead of $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']?
If YOULRS is not installed in the webroot but in a subfolder, the tracked URL is wrong. Let's say YOURLS is installed in domain.tld/g and a short link looks like domain.tld/g/test. Than the URL domain.tld/test is passed to piwik instead of domain.tld/g/test. Wouldn't it be better if the constant YOURLS_SITE is used instead of $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']?
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