interledger-deprecated / interledger

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Tutorial 4 feedback #3

Open emschwartz opened 6 years ago

emschwartz commented 6 years ago

Go into a clean directory and run npm install ilp-node@3.4.1

Is that necessary if people are going through every tutorial?

from two local BTP accounts to two BTP accounts at the hosted 'Amundsen' testnet connector.

What are BTP accounts?

You can send it an Interledger Payment Request by doing a HTTP GET to<IPR.toString('hex')>.

This is a bit confusing. Maybe just tell me what to do and then tell me what happened at each step of the way.

while at the same time running your ILP node as a client of Amundsen

What does this mean?

node ./node_modules/ilp-node/scripts/fund

When I run this I see a bunch of unintelligible stuff printed. Could you put in some comments to explain what's going on?

got my ilp address

What is it?

Please open

Is that necessary? Couldn't the script just make the request?

your balance 20000 your balance 20000 your balance 20000 your balance 20000 your balance 20000

Why does it keep printing that?

Your browser window should show candy coming out of a faucet if your request succeeded

It did but now what?

If you have a server with a DNS domain name pointing to it

I don't. Now what? If I do follow these instructions, what do I do then? I just funded an account -- now what?

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

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