intermediaterepresentation / android_device_htc_endeavor

HTC Endeavor device
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Echo fix #53

Closed tgascoigne closed 12 years ago

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Proposed echo fix from TripNRaver at #52. Not tested. Will upload a flashable zip in the comments soon..

lrbpereira commented 12 years ago

Ok upload the flashable zip so I can test it, will be waiting for it! ;)

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Flashable zip and new boot img are here: Read my post in the topic for more info. NOTE: Do not just flash the zip attached here, it wont work. You need to open that zip to find the flashable zip and the new boot.img.

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Haven't tested for the echo yet, but in call volume is still not responding to the volume key

lrbpereira commented 12 years ago

No, the echo is still there!

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Looks like I neglected to read the final line from the post, fixing it up now.

lrbpereira commented 12 years ago

Re-upload it so I can test it... ;) this time fully build... :P

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

I've tested fully built, it doesn't work. Going to carry on playing.

lrbpereira commented 12 years ago

:) f*****

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Additionally, using htc's rild, the phone can't connect to google's service (network icons are always grey) edit: nevermind, did a full build and its working fine On changing the volume, it can't connect to a socket. I've found some more sockets 'rild-htc' and 'rild-audio' referenced in libril that aren't created in the init rc, gunna create them and see.

lrbpereira commented 12 years ago

Ok lets see if this can be fixed... quickly. Will be waiting for it.

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Found the issue. fixing it up now.

lrbpereira commented 12 years ago


Does it work? And the incall volume as Trip sugested?

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

All the rild sockets now get created properly, but the phone still can't access them.

lrbpereira commented 12 years ago

What about opening the discussion in XDA? Maybe someone can lend an helping hand...

tbalden commented 12 years ago

Check against repo's device/vendor tree, and ramdisk. Should fix this issue. Is there a patch for incall volume somewhere? thx

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

@tbalden In call volume is linked to the echo issue. That's how I've been testing whether it's fixed or not.

tbalden commented 12 years ago

So in call volume adjustment is working with this patch? or its not so loud?

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

No, that's what I'm working on fixing. When in call volume is fixed the echo will be too, hopefully.

tbalden commented 12 years ago

Ok, thanks for clarifying. I was asking because we found out that with another new set of blobs (libril and rild) echo is gone. But the call volume adjustment still doesnt work.

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Really? If that's the case, then this set of patches should fix the echo. I'll package a flashable zip for testing. @lrbpereira edit: try this

lrbpereira commented 12 years ago

Tgascoinge i´m not able atm to test it, can you test it? Trip is saying that in his fix the in call volume get fixed, is this doesn´t work lets see if he can do a fix for ur rom...

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Almost certain the issue is to do with the boot.img, as using trip's rom and our boot img, we get the exact same errors. The init scripts are mostly the same, and the only thing I see different is that his packs the stock init binary, but when I pack it with our rom it fails to boot.

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Got it fixed, just need to do a bit of clean up and i'll commit + make a patch.

tbalden commented 12 years ago

Nice! Incall volume adjustment too?

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago


lrbpereira commented 12 years ago

Very nice!

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

This patchset now fixes the in call volume, and probably echo. boot.img and flashable zip are available here:

tbalden commented 12 years ago

This is cool, but its overwriting too many libs that usually are built from src

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Including HTC's proprietary libril and libmedia requires that you push all those extra libs. I haven't put any libs in there that aren't necessary.

tbalden commented 12 years ago

Gotcha , I was just mentioning, that on the long run, a solution in sec would be ideal. Blobs are prone to incompatibility with all the rest of src. Again, this is cool on the short term. Thanks

tbalden commented 12 years ago

That was 'src' not sec

tbalden commented 12 years ago

Seems like users on xda report that it breaks video recording to an extent. I hope we can find a solution in src somehow.

tbalden commented 12 years ago

tried with camera so's, but camera camcording exits a lot, and then cam stuck

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Yeah, gunna go the other route and get rid of the stuff we dont need

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Still having some trouble fixing up the camera. Anyone care to take a look?

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

@tripnraver : How exactly have you modified libmedia and libaudioflinger? Using the binaries from your vendor tree works brilliantly, but I'd like to avoid putting blobs that can't be pulled from a device into the device tree where unnecessary. Thanks for your help :)

tbalden commented 12 years ago

maybe from another tegra3 device? it would be nice to know. in the meantime i've written a little binary service that is intercepting volume key events and sets global volume when alsa card is in call streaming, it's not as good as this blob replacement solution, but it leaves the source build of audioflinger and libmedia intact. I'll try to perfect that little service, we plan to include it in teamndvru's next alpha.

tgascoigne commented 12 years ago

Added the libs in as I don't see a better solution on the horizon.. I'll most likely merge this soon unless anyone has any objection? edit: rebased

TripNRaVeR commented 12 years ago

Sorry i wasnt watching this, if you need help please send me a pm on xda i'll check those more often