intermine / InterMine-Data-Browser-Tool

InterMine Data Browser: a tool for exploring semi-homogeneous biological datasets
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Fixed navigation bar and footer responsiveness issues #61

Closed dmahajan980 closed 4 years ago

dmahajan980 commented 4 years ago

Fixes #55 and #56

Navigation Bar Screen 1 fix1

Screen 2 fix2

Screen 3 fix3

Screen 4 fix4

Footer Screen 1 f-fix1

Screen 2 f-fix2

Screen 3 f-fix3

Nikhil-Vats commented 4 years ago

@dmahajan980 Good work! There are still some issues that need to be fixed. Some of them are -

  1. Too much margin between Cambridge and the first line. Although it looks fine in the screenshot you attached with your PR. Screenshot 1

  2. Sidenav overlaps topnav Screenshot 2

The fix for footer is quiet simple.

For navbar, I think we can simplify the code a little bit so that we don't have to write so many media queries. Also the buttons can be arranged in a nicer and more logical manner. While we are at it we can either replace the API key not added icon with something similar to other buttons or change its position so that it doesn't look out of place.

dmahajan980 commented 4 years ago

@Nikhil-Vats For the navbar part, I think we can use a drop-down menu/hamburger which contains all the six options present on the right side of the navbar. This will make the navbar look less congested and will also save enough space in mobile screen display sizes. This will also solve the issue of these buttons constantly overlapping with the side-navigation bar.

Nikhil-Vats commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @dmahajan980 for working on this and implementing all our suggestions. :smile: