intermine / InterMine-Data-Browser-Tool

InterMine Data Browser: a tool for exploring semi-homogeneous biological datasets
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Server Started message on console #66

Closed lazycipher closed 4 years ago

lazycipher commented 4 years ago

As of now, when we run npm start, we don't get any console message saying that the server is started already and that's why one keeps waiting on that step. Adding an alert message Server Started at Port: XYZ at the end of all bundling processes will look good.

I'm working on this.

AdrianBZG commented 4 years ago


Specifying the actual URL where you can access the browser sounds better than just the port. Something like http://IP:PORT/

lazycipher commented 4 years ago

I guess we should close this issue as the PR is merged now which solves this.