intermine / InterMine-Data-Browser-Tool

InterMine Data Browser: a tool for exploring semi-homogeneous biological datasets
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Background-color for button not visible enough in the menu bar. #85

Closed uimarshall closed 4 years ago

uimarshall commented 4 years ago


The background-color for the button containing protein text is not visible enough in the menu bar. It needs to be given a background that is visible for good contrast in line with other items in the menu bar.

Steps to Reproduce

uimarshall commented 4 years ago

@Nikhil-Vats, I have checked the navbar.pug file but the div that contains the button is not displaying contents. I could only see div#headerButtons. Can you help with the file where I can fix the button?

Emuohwo commented 4 years ago

I'm an outreachy applicant. I would like to work on this issue

uimarshall commented 4 years ago

I'm an outreachy applicant. I would like to work on this issue

@Emuohwo, you can look at the webpage and look for areas of improvement, then create an issue. I am currently working on this issue.

salmabadawy7 commented 4 years ago

I'm an outreachy applicant. I would like to work on this issue

muskangupta-iitr commented 4 years ago

@AdrianBZG @Nikhil-Vats For this issue, we can use bootstrap outline buttons for creating contrast and to easily identify the selected one.
