…g: pathwaysnames the x btn is shown, and when the x btn is pressed it reset the view wihtout clearing the input test field, this what I'm fixing with this request
when the user use one of the filters (e.g: Pathway Name filter) and select one of the filter options, the X button is shown, and if the user click the button, it will reset the view and the table content, but the value of the input text is not cleared, I think since the view is cleared on the button press, then the input text value should be cleared also.
I reset the value of each one of the filters input fields using $("#filter_id").val("");
for each filter on the point when the whole view is get reset by the x button click.
@shaymaa91 You should resolve the conflicts in your PR. It's in package.json, just checkout package.json from commit and update the PR (force-push the commit using git push -f, don't add another one).
…g: pathwaysnames the x btn is shown, and when the x btn is pressed it reset the view wihtout clearing the input test field, this what I'm fixing with this request
when the user use one of the filters (e.g: Pathway Name filter) and select one of the filter options, the X button is shown, and if the user click the button, it will reset the view and the table content, but the value of the input text is not cleared, I think since the view is cleared on the button press, then the input text value should be cleared also. I reset the value of each one of the filters input fields using $("#filter_id").val(""); for each filter on the point when the whole view is get reset by the x button click.
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