intermine / bluegenes

A friendly next-generation interface for Genomic data discovery powered by InterMine
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Have Bluegenes proxy to default mine #754

Closed heralden closed 3 years ago

heralden commented 3 years ago

If you're hosting Bluegenes and the Intermine web services on the same address, it's a bit of a handful configuring the proxy to redirect the right paths to the Intermine backend. Let's try to make Bluegenes handle the proxying instead.

Update: This is closely linked with proxying all browser client requests through the Bluegenes backend. We should also consider that.

heralden commented 3 years ago

After discussing both points, we decided to instead add documentation to im-docs for the proxy rules you'll need if you wish to host Bluegenes and the IM WS at the same address, as using a dedicated reverse proxy like NGINX should be more performant and reliable than doing this with Bluegenes' Jetty server.

Likewise, proxying requests from the SPA would incur a performance penalty that would likely outweigh any benefit.