intermine / bluegenes

A friendly next-generation interface for Genomic data discovery powered by InterMine
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Improve customisability of Bluegenes #765

Closed heralden closed 2 years ago

heralden commented 2 years ago

This is achieved by introducing the following new keys to

# Will hide email icon in footer if not defined, but CTA will default to
# InterMine blog (use hideCTA or define custom cta to override this). =
# Will default to InterMine blog RSS if not defined; used for CTA (can be
# overridden similarly to
project.rss =
# The two properties below will default to their current values if not defined
# (used for footer links).
project.url.aboutUs =
project.url.privacyPolicy =

# Will hide their respective icons in footer if not defined.
project.url.github =
project.url.discord =
project.url.twitter =
project.supportEmail =

# These properties can be used to hide their respective elements on the home page.
bluegenes.homepage.hideMineIntro = true
bluegenes.homepage.hideSearch = true
bluegenes.homepage.hideTemplateQueries = true
bluegenes.homepage.hideCTA = false
bluegenes.homepage.hideMineSelector = true
bluegenes.homepage.hideAlternativeTools = true
bluegenes.homepage.hideFeedback = true
bluegenes.homepage.hideCredits = true

# You can override the default CTA elements by defining your own. There are 3
# formats accepted. They all take label (string) and text (string with markdown
# supported, wherein the first paragraph will be extracted) in addition to one
# more property defining their action when clicked.

# Used for linking to pages inside Bluegenes: route is a :name in
# bluegenes.route/routes that takes no parameters.
bluegenes.homepage.cta.1.label = Upload identifiers
bluegenes.homepage.cta.1.route = upload
bluegenes.homepage.cta.1.text = **Upload** your own sets of genes.

# Used for performing actions in Bluegenes: dispatch is an event handler
# defined with reg-event-fx within Bluegenes that takes no arguments.
bluegenes.homepage.cta.2.label = Browse datasets
bluegenes.homepage.cta.2.dispatch = home/query-data-sources
bluegenes.homepage.cta.2.text = *Browse* the full set of data.

# Used for linking to external pages: url will be used for a link that opens it
# in a new tab.
bluegenes.homepage.cta.3.label = Documentation
bluegenes.homepage.cta.3.url =
bluegenes.homepage.cta.3.text = Learn how to use Xmine.

Fixes #753 Fixes #718