intermine / bluegenes

A friendly next-generation interface for Genomic data discovery powered by InterMine
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Links to PomBase #814

Open ValWood opened 2 years ago

ValWood commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to add links to PomBase anywhere (prominently on gene pages for example), and if so how do I do this?

heralden commented 2 years ago

On the homepage, you can use project.subTitle which supports markdown. Links in the footer can be overridden: You can also add custom CTA buttons and credits:

There isn't really a way to add links on report pages other than adding it to the database as an attribute. You can have a link show up under External resources, at the bottom of the right sidebar, but it isn't very prominent. An alternative approach could be to create a custom visualisation using the tool API, then use the report page layout editor to display it at the top. This would be more suitable if you had more information to display, instead of just a static link.

ValWood commented 2 years ago

We don't have access to edit ( we don't have access to the config files ) Please could you edit to "An integrated database for S. pombe genomics" => "An integrated database for S. pombe genomics using data from PomBase ("

heralden commented 2 years ago

@danielabutano Can you change project.subTitle for next release? You can use the following value to make it look prettier for markdown.

An integrated database for *S. pombe* genomics using data from [PomBase](