intermine / bluegenes

A friendly next-generation interface for Genomic data discovery powered by InterMine
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make Enrichment widget avaiable to bio-entity DB identifier? #817

Closed ValWood closed 2 years ago

ValWood commented 2 years ago

If I do a query of gene interactors, the interacting gene is represented as a "Bio-entity DB identifier" (even though it is a fission yeast gene.

I can filter on this list but it isn't available to enrichment tools. It would be nice if the enrichment tools were automatically available for "within-species" gene lists.

Screenshot 2022-06-06 at 21 15 31


heralden commented 2 years ago

Usually you don't want to create lists of BioEntity. You can avoid this by setting a type/subclass constraint in your query, which is the dropdown under the class in the model browser.


Does this solve your problem?

ValWood commented 2 years ago

Yes, with @kimrutherford s help. Changed the query to give gene as output.