intermine / im-tables

Dynamic Result Table Library
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Change placement of action buttons. #213

Open Dhruvi16 opened 4 years ago

Dhruvi16 commented 4 years ago

Description -

The placement of action buttons right above the headings can be changed to right and be made more accessible. The icons can be a bit bigger. Possibly, the decision to place actions on the right of the screen is made due to the assumption that typical user attention flow (and often mouse movements) follows a Z-shaped pattern (Gutenberg diagram), which describes western culture user’s reading patterns, from the top left of the page to the bottom right: image

Screenshot - image

Dhruvi16 commented 4 years ago

I can take this up.

heralden commented 4 years ago

You can go ahead and work on it, but I cannot promise we will merge it. It will be dependent on how the end product looks and feels, and the rest of the team's thoughts about it. (im-tables' interface has been pretty consistent for many years, with videos and documentation recorded of its present interface.) However, I do agree that it could make a decent improvement.