internationalTD / defuser

the Stable Diffusion Plugin for Photoshop and Krita
73 stars 2 forks source link

Photoshop installation issues #4

Open seggybop opened 1 year ago

seggybop commented 1 year ago

hi! I haven't been able to get the plugin to load properly in Photoshop. I installed it manually by extracting the ccx. Initially, it wasn't loading at all, so I checked the Photoshop UXP logs.

[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Info] [general] Plugin defuser : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Info] [general] Plugin defuser : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species
[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Info] [general] Plugin defuser : Scaled Icon :  icons/icon_D@1x.png  not found
[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Info] [general] Plugin defuser : Scaled Icon :  icons/icon_D@2x.png  not found
[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Warn] [general] Plugin defuser : Expected the icon to have a 1X scaled file
[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Info] [general] Plugin defuser : Scaled Icon :  icons/icon_N@1x.png  not found
[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Info] [general] Plugin defuser : Scaled Icon :  icons/icon_N@2x.png  not found
[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Warn] [general] Plugin defuser : Expected the icon to have a 1X scaled file
[2022-10-28_19-41-01][12592][Error] [general] Plugin defuser : Expected a string for the permission 'launchProcess'

I looked in manifest.json and but wasn't able to find anything obviously wrong, but I don't really know anything about Photoshop plugin development. I looked at the documentation for manifest.json at and saw that Photoshop version 23.3 is required for manifest v5. The manifest file specifies "minVersion": "22.0.0" currently. I was using 23.0, so I updated it, and afterwards, the plugin did load, but it doesn't seem to be functioning properly. image The docker seems to be missing a lot of fields and only the img2img tab is present. img2img does work though, with the limited fields available, so it is communicating with webui. Krita version is working properly.