Port the latency under load module from Netrics v1 to v2.
The latency under the load module should measure the ping latency (ICMP and TCP) to a given target while saturating the link with an iPerf3 test using the OpLat tool.
The module should take the following default parameters for the binary:
Client set to abbott.cs.uchicago.edu (-c abbott.cs.uchicago.edu)
Port set to 33301 (-p 33301)
Destination set to abbott.cs.uchicago.edu:33317 (-d abbott.cs.uchicago.edu:33317)
Set the interval time between pings to 0.25 (-i 0.25)
Set the number of pings to 10 (-n 10)
Use both the ICMP and TCP protocols (-m 'tcp icmp')
Set output to JSON (-J)
Test both the upload and download using the -R flag
The module should produce the following data fields:
Port the latency under load module from Netrics v1 to v2.
The latency under the load module should measure the ping latency (ICMP and TCP) to a given target while saturating the link with an iPerf3 test using the OpLat tool.
The module should take the following default parameters for the binary:
(-c abbott.cs.uchicago.edu
(-p 33301
(-d abbott.cs.uchicago.edu:33317
)-i 0.25
)-n 10
)-m 'tcp icmp'
flagThe module should produce the following data fields: