internet-research-labs / instagram-realtime

Event-based, object-oriented Instagram API for NodeJS. This is *not* a wrapper. Rather, it is a minimal-setup, trigger-based NodeJS object, that handles push notifications from the Instagram API. How does it do this? Middleware. This package is so sick, and removes the stress from asynchronously programming via cURL. Duh.
MIT License
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InstagramSubscriber as parent #1

Closed whatever closed 10 years ago

whatever commented 10 years ago

Create InstagramSubscriber as a parent class

whatever commented 10 years ago

This was an "okay-ish" idea, but the solution in the end is to make InstagramStream an object with no public variables, and have it create three children objects:

Additionally, this gives us room to add non-realtime features a la instagram-node-lib, but I don't know if that kind of stuff belongs in this package.