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[draft] add manual installation instructions #338

Closed xloem closed 3 years ago

xloem commented 3 years ago

i'll probably replace this with another pull request when i get back to it. it needs testing and fixing and a note added on what to do after the source is checked out, which the installer outputs.

mitra42 commented 3 years ago

Understood its a work in progress, I'm not familiar with that yarn cross-linking, it might fix a number of problems that I had to kludge with the crosslinking, Do I presume that you'll test that first by modifying then update these instructions

xloem commented 3 years ago

It seemed more important to copy the install_dev behavior into manual instructions, so that people didn't have to run a bash script downloaded from the network, which is dangerous, in order to install ... but I'm having a lot more trouble than expected getting it to work ;p eventually! i'll close this pr for now

mitra42 commented 3 years ago

Avoiding running a script was NOT my goal with the instructions, my goal was to give a path forward for those for whom the script doesnt work. If we can achieve both then great, but I don't want to turn the instructions into a manual version of the script file - in fact if people want to do that, it would be better just to comment the script file, and people could step through it manually.