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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException for certain websites #192

Open comschmid opened 5 years ago

comschmid commented 5 years ago

For certain websites, the Wayback CDX Server API simply returns java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: fromKey > toKey

Example URL that shows this behaviour:

Then, it seems like this website is not available:

On the other hand, the web interface works fine:*/

Also, other websites don't show this error:

This was working some month ago fine, but I don't know exactly since when this error occurs.

Is the the Wayback CDX Server API still supported or should I switch to another API with similar functionality?

Thank you for any advice!

ghsnd commented 5 years ago

Hi, Just to confirm that I have the same issue with .be domains (while .nl and .fr domains for instance seem to work fine).

Dezzign commented 5 years ago

Yes same issue for virtually every type of extension like:


ghsnd commented 5 years ago

I know it's not the same, but their memento service is still up and running. E.g. requesting a timemap for a certain website (

curl ''

comschmid commented 5 years ago

It seems like it's working again!