internetee / auction_center

Estonian Internet Foundation's software for auctioning domain names
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Investigate websockets to enable English auction #561

Open maciej-szlosarczyk opened 4 years ago

maciej-szlosarczyk commented 4 years ago

Investigate ActionCable usage and then estimate how much time it would take to develop functionality to inform live users on a website that they have been outbid.

Required for English auction.

maciej-szlosarczyk commented 4 years ago

Things to figure out/configure:

maciej-szlosarczyk commented 4 years ago

Another thing: Because Ruby/Rails is slightly backwards and needs threads, there probably needs to be Redis included in the production setup if we want to publish socket information from background jobs.

OlegPhenomenon commented 2 years ago

@vohmar close this issue, please

OlegPhenomenon commented 1 year ago

what's the point of reopen this tickets if websockets already implemented? it was disable until Martin will install redis on test production and production envs?