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ForceDelete status not removed when invalid email address is replaced #2634

Closed vohmar closed 4 weeks ago

vohmar commented 8 months ago
  1. domain has force delete set due to invalid email address
  2. registrant of the domains goes to registrant portal and updates the email address/addresses of the invalid contacts
  3. expected results would here be the removal of FD status as the invalid email aadress has been replaced with a valid one - but instead we will have to wait until verify_email:check_all is run that happesn once a day
  • looks like that the validation events table is not automatically cleared when the email address is updated - at least not with all contact types
  • the lift force delte task is run once every hour
  • the force delete statuses are removed when running verify_email:check_all task that happes once a day - this rechecks all the invalid doamins/contacts/emails
vohmar commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately the fix did not work in production and crashed the system every time a big registrar updated any of their domains - probably because of technical contact. We will need different approach to remove forcedelete statuses once the invalid email address has been replaced.

some principles to consider:

  1. filter out domain names that the updated contact object is related to and that have ForceDelete statuses set
  2. no need to scan for any other contact objects or domain registrations that might have shared the same email address
  3. check if the update email address was the only issue resulting setting of the ForceDelete - if so then lift