internetirl / vscode-themey

An extension for VS Code that creates themes based on images
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New theme generator #8

Open internetirl opened 5 years ago

internetirl commented 5 years ago

Create colors based on the current palette and map them accordingly. Instead of only supporting 4-5 different colors, let's try more.

frankhale commented 5 years ago

Every image I pick it seems to only select 2 colors from it. Is there a way to make it pick more colors? I'm intentionally picking images that have a handful of contrasting colors.

internetirl commented 5 years ago

Would you mind providing me a sample image?

internetirl commented 5 years ago

And out of curiosity, are you using Themey or Themey White? Themey White is someone that stole my extension and published it under their name (but refers to my github here)

frankhale commented 5 years ago

Sorry for a late response. I will find an image and get a screenshot of the theme as well. It seems that only 3 colors are being used but maybe it's because I'm viewing TypeScript code. I'll post back in a few minutes.

frankhale commented 5 years ago

So I just picked this image:


and it only uses 3 colors out of it (I have rainbow parens extension and also an extension to show indents which is showing it's own colors):


No matter what code I look at the theme is only using 3 colors from the image. Maybe this is design but it would be very awesome if it could pick more.