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Developing Guidance and templates resources #106

Closed ksonda closed 2 years ago

ksonda commented 3 years ago

I want to start strategizing on how we're going to be developing and publishing guidance.

I think the medium-term ambition should a resource like, which is more focused on discrete templates for different resource types rather than the granular predicate-focused website. This would ideally include something like A reach goal would be to have a beta by July 2022 if WRRI grant starts July 2021 as Duke ORS seems to be headed. I like the nesting types, think it will be helpful for folks.


A shorter term goal could be a collection of templates in a templates directory here. Before making such templates, we should come up with a few resource types to start from. Heres some ideas below, but the wiki might be a better place to collaborate

ksonda commented 2 years ago

closing, as this work will take place in