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reference feature finder process #160

Closed ksonda closed 5 months ago

ksonda commented 2 years ago

As more folks are starting to come on board, they are going to need an "easy" way to identify which reference features to use. For NHDPlusV2 comids/reachcodes, the NLDI point lookup endpoint may be suitable. For cataloging features, mainstems, and reference gages, some kind of other lookup will be necessary.

One option is to have a web map, similar to the shiny app. But this requires a lot of manual looking around for each and every feature of interest. Another option I was thinking would be to have a pygeoapi process running on, where you could programmatically supply a lat/lon, and get a response of the members of every reference collection within a small bbox of the supplied lat/long.


might return something like:

    "gages": [
    "mainstems": "",
    "hu10": "",
    "counties": ""


We could even possible have a that would give you something like this


webb-ben commented 5 months ago

Closed in lieu of