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Add intersection process and update skin dashboard templates #195

Closed webb-ben closed 11 months ago

webb-ben commented 11 months ago

Add intersection OGC API - process from pygeoapi-plugins in support of The data passed to the pygeoapi/pygeoapi-skin-dashboard/templates/processes/process.html jinja template has changed so I had to update the skin-dashboard template (cc: @dblodgett-usgs potentially the same issue as

Also made additional updates to html templates. The differences can be seen at the branch of this PR and master. A mostly-exhaustive list is of changes to the htmls representations are:

webb-ben commented 11 months ago

More Mobile: image image

webb-ben commented 11 months ago

Another note:

The intersector plugin json representation advertises a OAProc schema that includes enumeration of all available collections that an API client can use.

    "collection": {
        "title": "Feature Collection",
        "description": "Feature Collection",
        "keywords": [
            "OGC API",
        "schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "hu02",
            "enum": [
        "minOccurs": 1,
        "maxOccurs": 1,
        "metadata": null
ksonda commented 11 months ago

Neat! So could take like the flow lines geojson response from nldi and get all the census places they run through. That would be a good vignette