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/ref/dams #90

Closed ksonda closed 1 year ago

ksonda commented 3 years ago

@mikejohnson51 and I are discussing incorporating the UFOKN NID/ORNL/OSM features as ref/dams.

We came upon a similar conceptual issue to #81 , where the UFOKN features include associations between the dams and the relevant NHD waterbody ID. Working through this here could be helpful for how to model other impoundment/diversion/hydrometricStation-storage relationships that are likely to come up with WaDE, USBR, USDOE Hydropower, and various state datasets IoW is starting to wrangle. There's no landing content for waterbodies though.

@dblodgett-usgs (at your LEISURE)...any opinions on making /ref/waterbodies, living at, populated with the NHDPlusV2 versions for now?

ksonda commented 3 years ago

per @mikejohnson51, UFOKN leadership doenst want to publish features until beta launch in ~6 months. womp womp.

Other thought. Should UFOKN mint geoconnex ids for all their urban features? If so, what distinguishes the UFOKN graph from a subgraph of the geoconnex graph?

dblodgett-usgs commented 3 years ago

Only if minting all those IDs in a public space is useful? Seems like a lot.

Re: waterbodies. Maybe. We need to take on waterbodies for a few projects but I want to get mainstems under the belt first.

dblodgett-usgs commented 2 years ago

We should probably reboot the discussion of dams -- note that the NID is NOT a complete record of the dams currently or historically in the US.

Building out a multi-provider dataset of reference dams seems like it's going to be useful here. The NID would be a dominant player in that, but may not be the reference set in a similar way to NWIS gages in reference gages.

ksonda commented 2 years ago

agree. now with UFOKN less applicable, there needs to be ref_dams open source project with NID as an anchor dataset. OSM and SWOT/SWORD as immediate complements come to mind.

mikejohnson51 commented 2 years ago

If there is appetite here, I can move the OSM/NID integration work away from UFOKN to my NOAA statement of work. It wouldn't include the flood mapping associations but would be a "complete", conflated set from those sources with river locations.

If thats of interest I have a small lull in OWP time and can budget some time for that. The catch is ref_dams repo would need to live under the NOAA-OWP GitHub account most likley.

mikejohnson51 commented 2 years ago

also check:

ksonda commented 2 years ago

I dont have a particular problem with that as long as that repo is under some kind of CC share/share-alike license or public domain and is forkable. @dblodgett-usgs you may have stronger opinions

mikejohnson51 commented 2 years ago

Sure, we have no guidance on licensing so that's a-ok.

ksonda commented 1 year ago