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Add Rubocop to follow ruby-style-guide #20

Closed lcezermf closed 8 years ago

lcezermf commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, do you know this gem Rubocop ?

It's a gem to check syntax error that are not following the ruby-guide, what do you think about add this gem in our projects, I think can be a good way to keep de code under de the guide.

brunoocasali commented 9 years ago

Hey I'm so exciting with this possibility :metal: @felipebroering @felipefontoura @gabrieljt what did you think about ?

brunoocasali commented 9 years ago

Hey guys what about this issue?! @internetsistemas/repense

lcezermf commented 9 years ago

Well I used this gem in another open source project, it was nice a easy to use.

Using it, we can focus on business rules and not worry so much about syntax, and guide problems in PR.

vgsantoniazzi commented 9 years ago

Rubocop is great tool, but a style-guide isn't good. I work on 4 projects and all these using different configuration files. One time configured, I think that is sufficient :+1:

felipefontoura commented 9 years ago

Hey @vgsantoniazzi!

Do you have an example with these configs?

felipefontoura commented 8 years ago

Rubocop installed! Great too! :dancer: